Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bamidbar 26:23-34 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

23. Of the Bnei Yissakhar after their Mishpekhot: of Tola, the Mishpakhat HaTola'i; of Puvah, the Mishpakhat HaPuni;

24. Of Yashuv, the Mishpakhat HaYashuvi; of Shimron, the Mishpakhat HaShimroni.

25. These are the Mishpekhot of Yissakhar according to those that were numbered of them, 64,300.

26. Of the Bnei Zevulun after their Mishpekhot: of Sered, the Mishpakhat HaSaredi; of Elon, the Mishpakhat HaEloni; of Yachle'el, the Mishpakhat HaYachle'eli.

27. These are the Mishpekhot of the Zevuloni according to those that were numbered of them, 60,500.

28. The Bnei Yosef after their Mishpekhot were Menasheh and Ephrayim.

29. Of the Bnei Menasheh: of Machir, the Mishpakhat HaMachiri; and Machir fathered Gil`ad; of Gil`ad come the Mishpakhat HaGile'adi.

30. These are the Bnei Gil`ad: of I'ezer, the Mishpakhat HaI'ezeri; of Chelek, the Mishpakhat HaCheleki;

31. And of Asrie'l, the Mishpakhat HaAsri'eli; and of Shechem, the Mishpakhat HaShichmi.

32. And of Shemida, the Mishpakhat HaShemida'i; and of Chepher, the Mishpakhat Chepheri.

33. And Tzelophechad Ben Chepher had no banim, but banot; and the shem banot Tzelophechad were Machlah, No'ah, Choglah, Milcah, and Tirtzah.

34. These are the Mishpekhot of Menasheh, and those that were numbered of them, 52,700.