Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bamidbar 26:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And it came to pass after the magefah (plague), that Hashem spoke unto Moshe and unto Eleazar Ben Aharon HaKohen, saying,

2. Take the rosh (census) of kol Adat Bnei Yisroel from twenty years old and upward, throughout their bais avot, all that are yotzei tzava (able to go to war) in Yisroel.

3. And Moshe and Eleazar HaKohen spoke with them in the arevot Mo'av (plains of Moav) by Yarden near Yericho, saying,

4. Take the census of the people, from twenty years old and upward, just as Hashem commanded Moshe and the Bnei Yisroel, which went forth out of Eretz Mitzrayim.

5. Reuven, the Bechor Yisroel: the Bnei Reuven; Chanoch, of whom cometh the Mishpakhat HaChanochi; of Pallu, the Mishpakhat HaPallu'i;

6. Of Chetzron, Mishpakhat HaChetzroni; of Carmi, the Mishpakhat HaCaremi.

7. These are the Mishpekhot HaReuveni; and they that were numbered of them were 43,730.

8. And the Bnei Pallu; Eliav.