Orthodox Jewish Bible

Amos 6:8-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. Adonoi Hashem hath sworn by Himself, saith Hashem Elohei Tzva'os: I abhor the ga'on Ya'akov, and hate his fortresses; therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is therein.

9. And it shall come to pass, if there remain asarah anashim in one bais, they shall die.

10. And a man's relative shall take him up, and he that burieth him, to carry out the bones out of the bais, and shall say unto him still hiding inside, Is there yet any with thee? And he shall say, Not one. Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue; for the Shem Hashem is not to be invoked.

11. For, hinei, Hashem commandeth, and He will strike the bais hagadol into ruins, and the bais hakaton into pieces.

12. Do susim run upon the rock? Do men plow there with oxen? For ye have turned mishpat into poison, and the p'ri of tzedakah into wormwood;