New Living Translation

Proverbs 16:9-21 New Living Translation (NLT)

9. We can make our plans,but the lord determines our steps.

10. The king speaks with divine wisdom;he must never judge unfairly.

11. The lord demands accurate scales and balances;he sets the standards for fairness.

12. A king detests wrongdoing,for his rule is built on justice.

13. The king is pleased with words from righteous lips;he loves those who speak honestly.

14. The anger of the king is a deadly threat;the wise will try to appease it.

15. When the king smiles, there is life;his favor refreshes like a spring rain.

16. How much better to get wisdom than gold,and good judgment than silver!

17. The path of the virtuous leads away from evil;whoever follows that path is safe.

18. Pride goes before destruction,and haughtiness before a fall.

19. Better to live humbly with the poorthan to share plunder with the proud.

20. Those who listen to instruction will prosper;those who trust the lord will be joyful.

21. The wise are known for their understanding,and pleasant words are persuasive.