New Living Translation

Numbers 5:12-26 New Living Translation (NLT)

12. “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel.“Suppose a man’s wife goes astray, and she is unfaithful to her husband

13. and has sex with another man, but neither her husband nor anyone else knows about it. She has defiled herself, even though there was no witness and she was not caught in the act.

14. If her husband becomes jealous and is suspicious of his wife and needs to know whether or not she has defiled herself,

15. the husband must bring his wife to the priest. He must also bring an offering of two quarts of barley flour to be presented on her behalf. Do not mix it with olive oil or frankincense, for it is a jealousy offering—an offering to prove whether or not she is guilty.

16. “The priest will then present her to stand trial before the lord.

17. He must take some holy water in a clay jar and pour into it dust he has taken from the Tabernacle floor.

18. When the priest has presented the woman before the lord, he must unbind her hair and place in her hands the offering of proof—the jealousy offering to determine whether her husband’s suspicions are justified. The priest will stand before her, holding the jar of bitter water that brings a curse to those who are guilty.

19. The priest will then put the woman under oath and say to her, ‘If no other man has had sex with you, and you have not gone astray and defiled yourself while under your husband’s authority, may you be immune from the effects of this bitter water that brings on the curse.

20. But if you have gone astray by being unfaithful to your husband, and have defiled yourself by having sex with another man—’

21. “At this point the priest must put the woman under oath by saying, ‘May the people know that the lord’s curse is upon you when he makes you infertile, causing your womb to shrivel and your abdomen to swell.

22. Now may this water that brings the curse enter your body and cause your abdomen to swell and your womb to shrivel.’ And the woman will be required to say, ‘Yes, let it be so.’

23. And the priest will write these curses on a piece of leather and wash them off into the bitter water.

24. He will make the woman drink the bitter water that brings on the curse. When the water enters her body, it will cause bitter suffering if she is guilty.

25. “The priest will take the jealousy offering from the woman’s hand, lift it up before the lord, and carry it to the altar.

26. He will take a handful of the flour as a token portion and burn it on the altar, and he will require the woman to drink the water.