New Living Translation

Numbers 23:19-26 New Living Translation (NLT)

19. God is not a man, so he does not lie.He is not human, so he does not change his mind.Has he ever spoken and failed to act?Has he ever promised and not carried it through?

20. Listen, I received a command to bless;God has blessed, and I cannot reverse it!

21. No misfortune is in his plan for Jacob;no trouble is in store for Israel.For the lord their God is with them;he has been proclaimed their king.

22. God brought them out of Egypt;for them he is as strong as a wild ox.

23. No curse can touch Jacob;no magic has any power against Israel.For now it will be said of Jacob,‘What wonders God has done for Israel!’

24. These people rise up like a lioness,like a majestic lion rousing itself.They refuse to restuntil they have feasted on prey,drinking the blood of the slaughtered!”

25. Then Balak said to Balaam, “Fine, but if you won’t curse them, at least don’t bless them!”

26. But Balaam replied to Balak, “Didn’t I tell you that I can do only what the lord tells me?”