New Living Translation

Mark 6:3-8 New Living Translation (NLT)

3. Then they scoffed, “He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us.” They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him.

4. Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.”

5. And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.

6. And he was amazed at their unbelief.Then Jesus went from village to village, teaching the people.

7. And he called his twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority to cast out evil spirits.

8. He told them to take nothing for their journey except a walking stick—no food, no traveler’s bag, no money.