New Living Translation

Judges 5:4-14 New Living Translation (NLT)

4. “lord, when you set out from Seirand marched across the fields of Edom,the earth trembled,and the cloudy skies poured down rain.

5. The mountains quaked in the presence of the lord,the God of Mount Sinai—in the presence of the lord,the God of Israel.

6. “In the days of Shamgar son of Anath,and in the days of Jael,people avoided the main roads,and travelers stayed on winding pathways.

7. There were few people left in the villages of Israel—until Deborah arose as a mother for Israel.

8. When Israel chose new gods,war erupted at the city gates.Yet not a shield or spear could be seenamong forty thousand warriors in Israel!

9. My heart is with the commanders of Israel,with those who volunteered for war.Praise the lord!

10. “Consider this, you who ride on fine donkeys,you who sit on fancy saddle blankets,and you who walk along the road.

11. Listen to the village musiciansgathered at the watering holes.They recount the righteous victories of the lordand the victories of his villagers in Israel.Then the people of the lordmarched down to the city gates.

12. “Wake up, Deborah, wake up!Wake up, wake up, and sing a song!Arise, Barak!Lead your captives away, son of Abinoam!

13. “Down from Tabor marched the few against the nobles.The people of the lord marched down against mighty warriors.

14. They came down from Ephraim—a land that once belonged to the Amalekites;they followed you, Benjamin, with your troops.From Makir the commanders marched down;from Zebulun came those who carry a commander’s staff.