New Living Translation

Judges 5:27-31 New Living Translation (NLT)

27. He sank, he fell,he lay still at her feet.And where he sank,there he died.

28. “From the window Sisera’s mother looked out.Through the window she watched for his return, saying,‘Why is his chariot so long in coming?Why don’t we hear the sound of chariot wheels?’

29. “Her wise women answer,and she repeats these words to herself:

30. ‘They must be dividing the captured plunder—with a woman or two for every man.There will be colorful robes for Sisera,and colorful, embroidered robes for me.Yes, the plunder will includecolorful robes embroidered on both sides.’

31. “lord, may all your enemies die like Sisera!But may those who love you rise like the sun in all its power!”Then there was peace in the land for forty years.