New Living Translation

Exodus 40:26-32 New Living Translation (NLT)

26. He also placed the gold incense altar in the Tabernacle, in the Holy Place in front of the inner curtain.

27. On it he burned the fragrant incense, just as the lord had commanded him.

28. He hung the curtain at the entrance of the Tabernacle,

29. and he placed the altar of burnt offering near the Tabernacle entrance. On it he offered a burnt offering and a grain offering, just as the lord had commanded him.

30. Next Moses placed the washbasin between the Tabernacle and the altar. He filled it with water so the priests could wash themselves.

31. Moses and Aaron and Aaron’s sons used water from it to wash their hands and feet.

32. Whenever they approached the altar and entered the Tabernacle, they washed themselves, just as the lord had commanded Moses.