New Living Translation

Daniel 2:27-32 New Living Translation (NLT)

27. Daniel replied, “There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune-tellers who can reveal the king’s secret.

28. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and he has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future. Now I will tell you your dream and the visions you saw as you lay on your bed.

29. “While Your Majesty was sleeping, you dreamed about coming events. He who reveals secrets has shown you what is going to happen.

30. And it is not because I am wiser than anyone else that I know the secret of your dream, but because God wants you to understand what was in your heart.

31. “In your vision, Your Majesty, you saw standing before you a huge, shining statue of a man. It was a frightening sight.

32. The head of the statue was made of fine gold. Its chest and arms were silver, its belly and thighs were bronze,