New Living Translation

1 Chronicles 6:69-81 New Living Translation (NLT)

69. Aijalon, and Gath-rimmon.

70. The remaining descendants of Kohath were assigned the towns of Aner and Bileam from the territory of the half-tribe of Manasseh, each with its pasturelands.

71. The descendants of Gershon received the towns of Golan (in Bashan) and Ashtaroth from the territory of the half-tribe of Manasseh, each with its pasturelands.

72. From the territory of Issachar, they were given Kedesh, Daberath,

73. Ramoth, and Anem, each with its pasturelands.

74. From the territory of Asher, they received Mashal, Abdon,

75. Hukok, and Rehob, each with its pasturelands.

76. From the territory of Naphtali, they were given Kedesh in Galilee, Hammon, and Kiriathaim, each with its pasturelands.

77. The remaining descendants of Merari received the towns of Jokneam, Kartah, Rimmon, and Tabor from the territory of Zebulun, each with its pasturelands.

78. From the territory of Reuben, east of the Jordan River opposite Jericho, they received Bezer (a desert town), Jahaz,

79. Kedemoth, and Mephaath, each with its pasturelands.

80. And from the territory of Gad, they received Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim,

81. Heshbon, and Jazer, each with its pasturelands.