New King James Version

Micah 7:1-6 New King James Version (NKJV)

1. Woe is me!For I am like those who gather summer fruits,Like those who glean vintage grapes;There is no cluster to eatOf the first-ripe fruit which my soul desires.

2. The faithful man has perished from the earth,And there is no one upright among men.They all lie in wait for blood;Every man hunts his brother with a net.

3. That they may successfully do evil with both hands—The prince asks for gifts,The judge seeks a bribe,And the great man utters his evil desire;So they scheme together.

4. The best of them is like a brier;The most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge;The day of your watchman and your punishment comes;Now shall be their perplexity.

5. Do not trust in a friend;Do not put your confidence in a companion;Guard the doors of your mouthFrom her who lies in your bosom.

6. For son dishonors father,Daughter rises against her mother,Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;A man’s enemies are the men of his own household.