New King James Version

Judges 16:4-12 New King James Version (NKJV)

4. Afterward it happened that he loved a woman in the Valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.

5. And the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, “Entice him, and find out where his great strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him, that we may bind him to afflict him; and every one of us will give you eleven hundred pieces of silver.”

6. So Delilah said to Samson, “Please tell me where your great strength lies, and with what you may be bound to afflict you.”

7. And Samson said to her, “If they bind me with seven fresh bowstrings, not yet dried, then I shall become weak, and be like any other man.”

8. So the lords of the Philistines brought up to her seven fresh bowstrings, not yet dried, and she bound him with them.

9. Now men were lying in wait, staying with her in the room. And she said to him, “The Philistines are upon you, Samson!” But he broke the bowstrings as a strand of yarn breaks when it touches fire. So the secret of his strength was not known.

10. Then Delilah said to Samson, “Look, you have mocked me and told me lies. Now, please tell me what you may be bound with.”

11. So he said to her, “If they bind me securely with new ropes that have never been used, then I shall become weak, and be like any other man.”

12. Therefore Delilah took new ropes and bound him with them, and said to him, “The Philistines are upon you, Samson!” And men were lying in wait, staying in the room. But he broke them off his arms like a thread.