New International Version

Zechariah 8:11-21 New International Version (NIV)

11. But now I will not deal with the remnant of this people as I did in the past,” declares the Lord Almighty.

12. “The seed will grow well, the vine will yield its fruit, the ground will produce its crops, and the heavens will drop their dew. I will give all these things as an inheritance to the remnant of this people.

13. Just as you, Judah and Israel, have been a curse among the nations, so I will save you, and you will be a blessing. Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong.”

14. This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Just as I had determined to bring disaster on you and showed no pity when your ancestors angered me,” says the Lord Almighty,

15. “so now I have determined to do good again to Jerusalem and Judah. Do not be afraid.

16. These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts;

17. do not plot evil against each other, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,” declares the Lord.

18. The word of the Lord Almighty came to me.

19. This is what the Lord Almighty says: “The fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. Therefore love truth and peace.”

20. This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Many peoples and the inhabitants of many cities will yet come,

21. and the inhabitants of one city will go to another and say, ‘Let us go at once to entreat the Lord and seek the Lord Almighty. I myself am going.’