New International Version Anglicized

Micah 7:11-20 New International Version Anglicized (NIVUK)

11. The day for building your walls will come,the day for extending your boundaries.

12. In that day people will come to youfrom Assyria and the cities of Egypt,even from Egypt to the Euphratesand from sea to seaand from mountain to mountain.

13. The earth will become desolate because of its inhabitants,as the result of their deeds.

14. Shepherd your people with your staff,the flock of your inheritance,which lives by itself in a forest,in fertile pasture-lands.Let them feed in Bashan and Gileadas in days long ago.

15. ‘As in the days when you came out of Egypt,I will show them my wonders.’

16. Nations will see and be ashamed,deprived of all their power.They will put their hands over their mouthsand their ears will become deaf.

17. They will lick dust like a snake,like creatures that crawl on the ground.They will come trembling out of their dens;they will turn in fear to the Lord our Godand will be afraid of you.

18. Who is a God like you,who pardons sin and forgives the transgressionof the remnant of his inheritance?You do not stay angry for everbut delight to show mercy.

19. You will again have compassion on us;you will tread our sins underfootand hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

20. You will be faithful to Jacob,and show love to Abraham,as you pledged on oath to our ancestorsin days long ago.Footnotes for the Book of Micaha 7 Or Is the Spirit of the Lorda In Hebrew texts 5:1 is numbered 4:14, and 5:2-15 is numbered 5:1-14.b 2 Or rulersc 6 Or crushd 6 Or Nimrod in its gatese 14 That is, wooden symbols of the goddess Asheraha 14 Or in the middle of Carmel