New International Version Anglicized

Job 12:1-8 New International Version Anglicized (NIVUK)

1. Then Job replied:

2. ‘Doubtless you are the only people who matter,and wisdom will die with you!

3. But I have a mind as well as you;I am not inferior to you.Who does not know all these things?

4. ‘I have become a laughing-stock to my friends,though I called on God and he answered –a mere laughing-stock, though righteous and blameless!

5. Those who are at ease have contempt for misfortuneas the fate of those whose feet are slipping.

6. The tents of marauders are undisturbed,and those who provoke God are secure –those whom God has in his hand.

7. ‘But ask the animals, and they will teach you,or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;

8. or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,or let the fish in the sea inform you.