New International Version Anglicized

Jeremiah 50:8-13 New International Version Anglicized (NIVUK)

8. ‘Flee out of Babylon;leave the land of the Babylonians,and be like the goats that lead the flock.

9. For I will stir up and bring against Babylonan alliance of great nations from the land of the north.They will take up their positions against her,and from the north she will be captured.Their arrows will be like skilled warriorswho do not return empty-handed.

10. So Babylonia will be plundered;all who plunder her will have their fill,’declares the Lord.

11. ‘Because you rejoice and are glad,you who pillage my inheritance,because you frolic like a heifer threshing cornand neigh like stallions,

12. your mother will be greatly ashamed;she who gave you birth will be disgraced.She will be the least of the nations –a wilderness, a dry land, a desert.

13. Because of the Lord’s anger she will not be inhabitedbut will be completely desolate.All who pass Babylon will be appalled;they will scoff because of all her wounds.