New International Version Anglicized

Exodus 28:7-14 New International Version Anglicized (NIVUK)

7. It is to have two shoulder pieces attached to two of its corners, so that it can be fastened.

8. Its skilfully woven waistband is to be like it – of one piece with the ephod and made with gold, and with blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and with finely twisted linen.

9. ‘Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel

10. in the order of their birth – six names on one stone and the remaining six on the other.

11. Engrave the names of the sons of Israel on the two stones the way a gem cutter engraves a seal. Then mount the stones in gold filigree settings

12. and fasten them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as memorial stones for the sons of Israel. Aaron is to bear the names on his shoulders as a memorial before the Lord.

13. Make gold filigree settings

14. and two braided chains of pure gold, like a rope, and attach the chains to the settings.