New International Reader's Version

Revelation 13:4-14 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

4. People worshiped the dragon, because he had given authority to the beast. They also worshiped the beast. They asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"

5. The beast was given a mouth to brag and speak evil things against God. The beast was allowed to use his authority for 42 months.

6. He opened his mouth to speak evil things against God. He told lies about God's character and about the place where God lives and about those who live in heaven with him.

7. He was allowed to make war against God's people and to overcome them. He was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.

8. All who live on earth whose names have not been written in the Book of Life will worship the beast. The Book of Life belongs to the Lamb whose death was planned before the world was created.

9. Everyone who has ears should listen.

10. Everyone who is supposed to be captured will be captured. Everyone who is supposed to be killed with a sword will be killed with a sword. So God's people must be patient and faithful.

11. Then I saw another beast. This one came out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb. But he spoke like a dragon.

12. He had all the authority of the first beast. He did what that beast wanted. He made the earth and all who live on it worship the first beast. The first beast was the one whose deadly wound had been healed.

13. The second beast did great and miraculous signs. He even made fire come from heaven. It came down to earth where everyone could see it.

14. He did the signs the first beast wanted him to do. In that way the second beast tricked those who live on the earth. He ordered them to set up a statue to honor the first beast. The first beast was the one who had been wounded by the sword and still lived.