New International Reader's Version

Psalm 74:9-18 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

9. You don't give us miraculous signs anymore. There aren't any prophets left. None of us knows how long that will last.

10. God, how long will your enemies make fun of you? Will they attack you with their words forever?

11. Why don't you help us? Why do you hold back your powerful right hand? Use your strong arms to destroy your enemies!

12. God, you have been my king for a long time. The whole earth has seen you save us over and over again.

13. You parted the Red Sea by your power. You broke the heads of that sea monster in Egypt.

14. You crushed the heads of the sea monster Leviathan. You fed it to the creatures of the desert.

15. You opened up streams and springs. You dried up rivers that flow all year long.

16. You rule over the day and the night. You created the sun and the moon.

17. You decided where the borders of the earth would be. You made both summer and winter.

18. Lord, remember how your enemies have made fun of you. Remember how foolish people have attacked you with their words.