New International Reader's Version

Psalm 71:4-18 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

4. My God, save me from the power of sinners. Save me from the hands of those who are mean and evil.

5. You are the King and the Lord. You have always been my hope. I have trusted in you ever since I was young.

6. From the time I was born I have depended on you. You brought me out of my mother's body. I will praise you forever.

7. To many people I am an example of how much you care. You are strong. You are my place of safety.

8. My mouth is filled with praise for you. All day long I will talk about your glory.

9. Don't push me away when I'm old. Don't desert me when my strength is gone.

10. My enemies speak against me. Those who want to kill me get together and make evil plans.

11. They say, "God has deserted him. Go after him and grab him. No one will save him."

12. God, don't stay so far away from me. My God, come quickly and help me.

13. May those who bring charges against me die in shame. May those who want to harm me be covered with shame and dishonor.

14. But I will always have hope. I will praise you more and more.

15. I will say that what you have done is right. All day long I will talk about how you have saved your people. It is more than I can understand.

16. Lord and King, I will come and announce your mighty acts. I will announce that you alone do what is right.

17. God, ever since I was young you have taught me about what you have done. To this very day I tell about your wonderful acts.

18. God, don't leave me even when I'm old and have gray hair. Let me live to tell my children about your power. Let me tell all of them about your mighty acts.