New International Reader's Version

Psalm 66:3-12 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

3. Say to God, "What wonderful things you do! Your power is so great that your enemies bow down to you in fear.

4. Everyone on earth bows down to you. They sing praise to you. They sing praise to your name." Selah

5. Come and see what God has done. See what wonderful things he has done for his people!

6. He turned the Red Sea into dry land. The people of Israel passed through the waters on foot. Come, let us be full of joy because of what he did.

7. He rules by his power forever. His eyes watch the nations. Let no one who refuses to obey him rise up against him. Selah

8. Praise our God, you nations. Let the sound of the praise you give him be heard.

9. He has kept us alive. He has kept our feet from slipping.

10. God, you have put us to the test. You put us through fire to make us like silver.

11. You put us in prison. You placed heavy loads on our backs.

12. You let people run over our heads. We went through fire and water. But you brought us to a place where we have everything we need.