New International Reader's Version

Psalm 65:7-12 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

7. You calmed the oceans and their roaring waves. You calmed the angry words and actions of the nations.

8. Those who live far away are amazed at the miracles you have done. What you do makes people from one end of the earth to the other sing for joy.

9. You take care of the land and water it. You make it very rich. You fill your streams with water. You provide the people with grain. That's how you prepare the land.

10. You water its rows. You smooth out its bumps. You soften it with showers. And you bless its crops.

11. You bring the year to a close with huge crops. You provide more than enough food.

12. The grass grows thick even in the desert. The hills are dressed with gladness.