New International Reader's Version

Psalm 44:2-15 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

2. With your powerful hand you drove out the nations. You settled our people in the land. You crushed the people who were there. And you made our people do well.

3. They didn't win the land with their swords. They didn't gain success with their powerful arms. Your powerful right hand and your mighty arm gave them success. You looked on them with favor. You loved them.

4. You are my King and my God. You give success to the people of Jacob.

5. With your help we push our enemies back. By your power we walk all over them.

6. I don't trust in my bow. My sword doesn't bring me success.

7. But you give us success over our enemies. You put them to shame.

8. All day long we talk about how great God is. We will praise your name forever. Selah

9. But now you have turned your back on us and made us low. You don't march out with our armies anymore.

10. You made us turn and run from our enemies. They have taken what belongs to us.

11. You handed us over to be eaten up like sheep. You have scattered us among the nations.

12. You sold your people for very little. You didn't gain anything when you sold them.

13. You have made us something that our neighbors laugh at. Those who live around us make fun of us and tease us.

14. The nations make jokes about us. They shake their heads at us.

15. All day long I am reminded of my shame. My face is covered with it