New International Reader's Version

Psalm 22:14-19 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

14. My strength is like water that is poured out on the ground. I feel as if my bones aren't connected. My heart has turned to wax. It has melted away inside me.

15. My strength is dried up like a piece of broken pottery. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. You bring me down to the edge of the grave.

16. A group of sinful people has closed in on me. They are all around me like a pack of dogs. They have pierced my hands and my feet.

17. I can see all of my bones right through my skin. People stare at me. They laugh when I suffer.

18. They divide up my clothes among them. They cast lots for what I am wearing.

19. Lord, don't be so far away. You give me strength. Come quickly to help me.