New International Reader's Version

Psalm 139:16-23 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

16. your eyes saw my body even before it was formed. You planned how many days I would live. You wrote down the number of them in your book before I had lived through even one of them.

17. God, your thoughts about me are priceless. No one can possibly add them all up.

18. If I could count them, they would be more than the grains of sand. If I were to fall asleep counting and then wake up, you would still be there with me.

19. God, I wish you would kill the people who are evil! I wish those murderers would get away from me!

20. They are your enemies. They misuse your name. They misuse it for their own evil purposes.

21. Lord, I really hate those who hate you! I really hate those who rise up against you!

22. I have nothing but hatred for them. I consider them to be my enemies.

23. God, see what is in my heart. Know what is there. Put me to the test. Know what I'm thinking.