New International Reader's Version

Proverbs 8:10-27 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

10. Choose my teaching instead of silver. Choose knowledge rather than fine gold.

11. Wisdom is worth more than rubies. Nothing you want can compare with her.

12. "I, wisdom, live together with understanding. I have knowledge and good sense.

13. To have respect for the Lord is to hate evil. I hate pride and bragging. I hate evil ways and twisted words.

14. I have good sense and give good advice. I have understanding and power.

15. By me kings rule. Leaders make laws that are fair.

16. By me princes govern. By me all nobles rule on earth.

17. I love those who love me. Those who look for me find me.

18. With me are riches and honor. With me are lasting wealth and success.

19. My fruit is better than fine gold. My gifts are better than the finest silver.

20. I walk in ways that are honest. I take paths that are right.

21. I leave riches to those who love me. I give them more than they have room for.

22. "The Lord created me as the first of his works, before his acts of long ago.

23. I was formed at the very beginning. I was formed before the world began.

24. Before there were any oceans, I was born. There weren't any springs of water at that time.

25. Before the mountains were settled in place, I was born. Before there were any hills, I was born.

26. It happened before the Lord made the earth and its fields. It was before he made the dust of the world.

27. I was there when he set the heavens in place. When he marked out the place where the sky meets the sea, I was there.