New International Reader's Version

Luke 12:1-13 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. During that time a crowd of many thousands had gathered. There were so many people that they were stepping on one another. Jesus spoke first to his disciples. "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees," he said. "They just pretend to be godly.

2. Everything that is secret will be brought out into the open. Everything that is hidden will be uncovered.

3. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight. What you have whispered to someone behind closed doors will be shouted from the rooftops.

4. "My friends, listen to me. Don't be afraid of those who kill the body but can't do any more than that.

5. I will show you whom you should be afraid of. Be afraid of the One who can kill the body and also has the power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, be afraid of him.

6. "Aren't five sparrows sold for two pennies? But God does not forget even one of them.

7. In fact, he even counts every hair on your head! So don't be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.

8. "What about someone who says in front of others that he knows me? I tell you, the Son of Man will say that he knows that person in front of God's angels.

9. But what about someone who says in front of others that he doesn't know me? I, the Son of Man, will say that I don't know him in front of God's angels.

10. "Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven. But anyone who speaks evil things against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

11. "You will be brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities. But do not worry about how to stand up for yourselves or what to say.

12. The Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say."

13. Someone in the crowd spoke to Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "tell my brother to divide the family property with me."