New International Reader's Version

Job 31:1-16 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. "I made an agreement with my eyes. I promised not to look at another woman with sexual longing.

2. What do human beings receive from God above? What do they get from the Mighty One in heaven?

3. Sinful people are destroyed. Trouble comes to those who do what is wrong.

4. Doesn't God see how I live? Doesn't he count every step I take?

5. "I haven't told any lies. My feet haven't hurried to cheat others.

6. So let God weigh me in honest scales. Then he'll know I haven't done anything wrong.

7. Suppose my steps have turned away from the right path. Suppose my heart has longed for what my eyes have seen. Or suppose my hands have become 'unclean.'

8. Then may others eat what I've planted. May my crops be pulled up by the roots.

9. "Suppose my heart has been tempted by a woman. Or suppose I've prowled around my neighbor's door.

10. Then may my wife grind another man's grain. May other men have sex with her.

11. Wanting another woman would have been a shameful thing. It would have been a sin that should be judged.

12. It's like a fire that burns down to the grave. It would have caused my crops to be pulled up by the roots.

13. "Suppose I haven't treated my male and female servants fairly when they've brought charges against me.

14. Then what will I do when God opposes me? What answer will I give him when he asks me to explain myself?

15. Didn't he who made me make my servants also? Didn't the same God form us inside our mothers?

16. "I haven't said no to what poor people have wanted. I haven't let widows lose their hope.