New International Reader's Version

Job 10:14-22 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

14. If I sinned, you would be watching me. You wouldn't let me go without punishing me.

15. If I were guilty, how terrible that would be for me! Even if I haven't sinned, I can't be proud of what I've done. That's because I'm so full of shame. I'm drowning in my suffering.

16. If I become proud, you hunt me down like a lion. You show your mighty power against me.

17. You bring new witnesses against me. You become more and more angry with me. You use your power against me again and again.

18. " 'Why did you bring me out of my mother's body? I wish I had died before anyone saw me.

19. I wish I'd never been born! I wish I'd been carried straight from my mother's body to the grave!

20. Aren't my few days almost over? Leave me so I can have a moment of joy.

21. Turn away before I go to the place I can't return from. It's the land of darkness and deep shadow.

22. It's the land of darkest night and deep shadow and disorder. There even the light is like darkness.' "