New International Reader's Version

Jeremiah 2:3-20 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

3. Your people were holy to me. They were the first share of my harvest. All those who destroyed them were held guilty. And trouble came to their enemies,' " announces the Lord.

4. People of Jacob, hear the Lord's message. Listen, all you tribes of Israel.

5. The Lord says, "What did your people find wrong with me? Why did they wander so far away from me? They worshiped worthless statues of gods. Then they themselves became worthless.

6. They did not ask, 'Where is the Lord? He brought us up out of Egypt. He led us through a dry and empty land. He guided us through deserts and deep valleys. It was a land of darkness where there wasn't any rain. No one lived or traveled there.'

7. But I brought you into a land that has rich soil. I gave you its fruit and its finest food. In spite of that, you polluted my land. You turned it into something I hate.

8. The priests did not ask, 'Where is the Lord?' Those who taught my law did not know me. The leaders refused to obey me. The prophets prophesied in the name of Baal. They worshiped worthless statues of gods.

9. "So I am bringing charges against you again," announces the Lord. "And I will bring charges against your children's children.

10. Go over to the coasts of the western nations and look. Send people to the land of Kedar and have them look closely. See if there has ever been anything like this.

11. Has a nation ever changed its gods? Actually, they are not even gods at all. But my people have traded away their glorious God. They have traded me for worthless statues of gods.

12. Sky above, be shocked over that. Tremble with horror," announces the Lord.

13. "My people have sinned twice. They have deserted me, even though I am the spring of water that gives life. And they have dug their own wells. But those wells are broken. They can't hold any water.

14. Are you people of Israel servants? You were not born as slaves, were you? Then why have you been carried off like stolen goods?

15. Lions have roared. They have growled at you. They have destroyed your land. Your towns are burned and deserted.

16. The men of Memphis and Tahpanhes have shaved your heads to dishonor you.

17. Haven't you brought that on yourselves? I am the Lord your God, but you deserted me. You left me even while I was leading you.

18. Why do you go to Egypt to drink water from the Shihor River? Why do you go to Assyria to drink from the Euphrates River?

19. You will be punished because you have sinned. You will be corrected for turning away from me. I am the Lord your God. If you desert me, bad things will happen to you. If you do not respect me, you will suffer bitterly. I want you to understand that," announces the Lord who rules over all.

20. "Long ago you broke off the yoke I put on you. You tore off the ropes I tied you up with. You said, 'I won't serve you!' In fact, on every high hill you lay down like a prostitute. You worshiped other gods under every green tree.