New International Reader's Version

Jeremiah 13:14-27 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

14. I will smash them against one another. I will punish parents and children alike," announces the Lord. "I will not feel sorry for them. I will not show them any kindness. My tender love for them will not keep me from destroying them." ' "

15. People of Judah, listen to me. Pay attention. Don't be proud. The Lord has spoken.

16. Give glory to the Lord your God. Honor him before he sends darkness to cover the land. Do it before you trip and fall on the darkened hills. You hope that light will come. But he will turn it into thick darkness. He will change it to deep shadows.

17. If you don't listen, I will sob in secret. Because you are so proud, I will sob bitterly. Tears will flow from my eyes. The Lord's flock will be taken away as prisoners.

18. Speak to the king and his mother. Tell them, "Come down from your thrones. Your glorious crowns are about to fall from your heads."

19. The gates of the cities in the Negev Desert will be shut tight. There won't be anyone to open them. You will be carried away as prisoners. You will be taken away completely.

20. Jerusalem , look up! Your enemies are coming from the north. Where is the flock you were supposed to take care of? Where are the sheep you were so proud of?

21. You have worked hard to make special friends. But the Lord will let them rule over you. Then what will you say? Suffering will take hold of you. It will be like the pain of a woman having a baby.

22. Suppose you ask yourself, "Why has this happened to me?" It's because you have committed so many sins. That's the reason your skirt has been torn off. That's why your body has been treated so badly.

23. Can people from Ethiopia change their skin? Can leopards change their spots? It's the same with you. You have always done what is evil. So how can you do what is good?

24. The Lord says, "I will scatter you like straw that the desert wind blows away.

25. That is what will happen to you. I have appointed it for you," announces the Lord. "You have forgotten me. You have trusted in other gods.

26. So I will pull your skirt up over your face. Then people will see the shame of your naked body.

27. They will see that you have not been faithful to me. You have committed adultery with other gods. And you have acted like a prostitute who does not have any shame. I have seen what you did on the hills and in the fields. And I hate it. How terrible it will be for you, Jerusalem! How long will you choose to be 'unclean'?"