New International Reader's Version

Hosea 8:1-6 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. The Lord said to me, "Put a trumpet to your lips! Give a warning to my people! Assyria is like an eagle. It is ready to attack my land. My people have broken the covenant I made with them. They have refused to obey my law.

2. Israel shouts to me, 'We recognize you as our God!'

3. But they have turned away from what is good. So an enemy will chase them.

4. My people appoint kings I do not want. They choose princes without my permission. They use their silver and gold to make statues of gods. That is how they destroy themselves."

5. The Lord says, "People of Samaria, throw out your god that looks like a calf! My anger burns against you. How long will it be until you are able to remain faithful to me?

6. Your calf is not God. A skilled worker from Israel made it. But it will be broken to pieces."