New International Reader's Version

Hosea 2:11-22 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

11. I will put a stop to the special times she celebrates. I'll bring an end to the feasts she celebrates each year. I'll stop her New Moon Feasts and her Sabbath days. I'll bring all of her appointed feasts to an end.

12. I will destroy her vines and her fig trees. She said they were her pay from her lovers. I'll make them like clumps of bushes and weeds. Wild animals will eat them up.

13. The Lord announces, "Israel burned incense to the gods that were named after Baal. I will punish her for all of the times she did that. She decorated herself with rings and jewelry. Then she went after her lovers. But she forgot all about me.

14. "So now I am going to draw her back to me. I will lead her into the desert. There I will speak tenderly to her.

15. I will give her back her vineyards. I will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope for her. Then she will love me, as she did when she was young. She will love me just as she did when she came up out of Egypt.

16. "A new day is coming," announces the Lord. "Israel will call me My Husband. She will no longer call me My Master.

17. She will no longer speak about the gods that are named after Baal. She will not pray to them for help anymore.

18. At that time I will make a covenant for the good of my people. I will make it with the wild animals and the birds of the air. It will also be made with the creatures that move on the ground. I will remove bows and swords and other weapons of war from the land. Then my people can lie down in safety.

19. I will make Israel my own. She will belong to me forever. I will do to her what is right and fair. I will love her tenderly.

20. I will be faithful to her. And she will recognize me as the Lord.

21. "So at that time I will answer her," announces the Lord. "I will command the skies to send rain on the earth.

22. Then the earth will produce grain, olive oil and fresh wine. And Israel will be called Jezreel. That is because I will answer her prayers.