New International Reader's Version

Ecclesiastes 7:2-14 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

2. So it's better to go where people are sobbing than to go where people are having a good time. Everyone will die someday. Those who are still living should really think about that.

3. Sadness is good for the heart. That's why sorrow is better than laughter.

4. Those who are wise are found where there is sorrow. But foolish people are found where there is pleasure.

5. Pay attention to a wise man's warning. That's better than listening to the songs of those who are foolish.

6. A foolish person's laughter is like the crackling of thorns burning under a pot. That doesn't have any meaning either.

7. When a wise man takes wealth by force, he becomes foolish. It is sinful to take money from people who want special favors.

8. The end of a matter is better than its beginning. So it's better to be patient than proud.

9. Don't become angry quickly. Anger lives in the hearts of foolish people.

10. Don't say, "Why were things better in the good old days?" It isn't wise to ask that kind of question.

11. Wisdom is a good thing. It's like getting a share of the family wealth. It benefits those who live on this earth.

12. Wisdom provides safety, just as money provides safety. But here's the advantage of wisdom. It guards the lives of those who have it.

13. Think about what God has done. Who can make straight what he has made crooked?

14. When times are good, be happy. But when times are bad, here's something to think about. God has made bad times. He has also made good times. So a man can't find out anything about what's ahead for him.