New International Reader's Version

Acts 16:20-34 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

20. They brought them to the judges. "These men are Jews," her owners said. "They are making trouble in our city.

21. They are suggesting practices that are against Roman law. These are practices we can't accept or take part in."

22. The crowd joined the attack against Paul and Silas. The judges ordered that Paul and Silas be stripped and beaten.

23. They were whipped without mercy. Then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was commanded to guard them carefully.

24. When he received his orders, he put Paul and Silas deep inside the prison. He fastened their feet so they couldn't get away.

25. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying. They were also singing hymns to God. The other prisoners were listening to them.

26. Suddenly there was a powerful earthquake. It shook the prison from top to bottom. All at once the prison doors flew open. Everybody's chains came loose.

27. The jailer woke up. He saw that the prison doors were open. He pulled out his sword and was going to kill himself. He thought the prisoners had escaped.

28. "Don't harm yourself!" Paul shouted. "We are all here!"

29. The jailer called out for some lights. He rushed in, shaking with fear. He fell down in front of Paul and Silas.

30. Then he brought them out. He asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"

31. They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus. Then you and your family will be saved."

32. They spoke the word of the Lord to him. They also spoke to all the others in his house.

33. At that hour of the night, the jailer took Paul and Silas and washed their wounds. Right away he and his whole family were baptized.

34. The jailer brought them into his house. He set a meal in front of them. He and his whole family were filled with joy. They had become believers in God.