New International Reader's Version

1 Thessalonians 3:3-12 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

3. We sent him so that no one would be upset by times of testing. You know very well that we have to go through them.

4. In fact, when we were with you, we kept telling you that our enemies would make us suffer. As you know very well, it has turned out that way.

5. That's the reason I sent someone to find out about your faith. I couldn't wait any longer. I was afraid that Satan might have tempted you in some way. Then our efforts would have been useless.

6. But Timothy has come to us from you just now. He has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have happy memories of us. He has also said that you long to see us, just as we long to see you.

7. Brothers and sisters, in all our trouble and suffering your faith cheered us up.

8. Now we really live, because you are standing firm in the Lord.

9. How can we thank God enough for you because of all the joy that comes only from our God?

10. Night and day we pray very hard that we will see you again. We want to give you what is missing in your faith.

11. Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus open up a way for us to come to you.

12. May the Lord make your love grow. May it be like a rising flood. May your love for one another increase. May it also increase for everyone else. May it be just like our love for you.