New English Translation

Psalms 105:19-37 New English Translation (NET)

19. until the time when his prediction came true.The Lord’s word proved him right.

20. The king authorized his release;the ruler of nations set him free.

21. He put him in charge of his palace,and made him manager of all his property,

22. giving him authority to imprison his officialsand to teach his advisers.

23. Israel moved to Egypt;Jacob lived for a time in the land of Ham.

24. The Lord made his people very fruitful,and made them more numerous than their enemies.

25. He caused them to hate his people,and to mistreat his servants.

26. He sent his servant Moses, and Aaron, whom he had chosen.

27. They executed his miraculous signs among them,and his amazing deeds in the land of Ham.

28. He made it dark;they did not disobey his orders.

29. He turned their water into blood,and killed their fish.

30. Their land was overrun by frogs,which even got into the rooms of their kings.

31. He ordered flies to come;gnats invaded their whole territory.

32. He sent hail along with the rain;there was lightning in their land.

33. He destroyed their vines and fig trees,and broke the trees throughout their territory.

34. He ordered locusts to come,innumerable grasshoppers.

35. They ate all the vegetation in their land,and devoured the crops of their fields.

36. He struck down all the firstborn in their land,the firstfruits of their reproductive power.

37. He brought his people out enriched with silver and gold;none of his tribes stumbled.