New Century Version

Zechariah 8:11-17 New Century Version (NCV)

11. But I will not do to these people who are left what I did in the past,” says the Lord All-Powerful.

12. “They will plant their seeds in peace, their grapevines will have fruit, the ground will give good crops, and the sky will send rain. I will give all this to the people who are left alive.

13. Judah and Israel, your names have been used as curses in other nations. But I will save you, and you will become a blessing. So don’t be afraid; work hard.”

14. This is what the Lord All-Powerful says: “When your ancestors made me angry, I planned to punish you. I did not change my mind,” says the Lord All-Powerful.

15. “But now I will do something different. I am planning to do good to Jerusalem and Judah. So don’t be afraid.

16. These are the things you should do: Tell each other the truth. In the courts judge with truth and complete fairness.

17. Do not make plans to hurt your neighbors, and don’t love false promises. I hate all these things,” says the Lord.