New Century Version

Psalms 78:12-23 New Century Version (NCV)

12. He did miracles while their ancestors watched,in the fields of Zoan in Egypt.

13. He divided the Red Sea and led them through.He made the water stand up like a wall.

14. He led them with a cloud by dayand by the light of a fire by night.

15. He split the rocks in the desertand gave them more than enough water, as if from the deep ocean.

16. He brought streams out of the rockand caused water to flow down like rivers.

17. But the people continued to sin against him;in the desert they turned against God Most High.

18. They decided to test Godby asking for the food they wanted.

19. Then they spoke against God,saying, “Can God prepare food in the desert?

20. When he hit the rock, water poured outand rivers flowed down.But can he give us bread also?Will he provide his people with meat?”

21. When the Lord heard them, he was very angry.His anger was like fire to the people of Jacob;his anger grew against the people of Israel.

22. They had not believed Godand had not trusted him to save them.

23. But he gave a command to the clouds aboveand opened the doors of heaven.