New Century Version

Joel 2:1-9 New Century Version (NCV)

1. Blow the trumpet in Jerusalem;shout a warning on my holy mountain.Let all the people who live in the land shake with fear,because the Lord’s day of judging is coming;it is near.

2. It will be a dark, gloomy day,cloudy and black.Like the light at sunrise,a great and powerful army will spread over the mountains.There has never been anything like it before,and there will never be anything like it again.

3. In front of them a fire destroys;in back of them a flame burns.The land in front of them is like the garden of Eden;the land behind them is like an empty desert.Nothing will escape from them.

4. They look like horses,and they run like war horses.

5. It is like the noise of chariotsrumbling over the tops of the mountains,like the noise of a roaring fireburning dry stalks.They are like a powerful army lined up for battle.

6. When they see them, nations shake with fear,and everyone’s face becomes pale.

7. They charge like soldiers;they climb over the wall like warriors.They all march straight aheadand do not move off their path.

8. They do not run into each other,because each walks in line.They break through all efforts to stop themand keep coming.

9. They run into the city.They run at the walland climb into the houses,entering through windows like thieves.