New Century Version

Job 38:4-16 New Century Version (NCV)

4. Where were you when I made the earth’s foundation?Tell me, if you understand.

5. Who marked off how big it should be? Surely you know!Who stretched a ruler across it?

6. What were the earth’s foundations set on,or who put its cornerstone in place

7. while the morning stars sang togetherand all the angels shouted with joy?

8. “Who shut the doors to keep the sea inwhen it broke through and was born,

9. when I made the clouds like a coat for the seaand wrapped it in dark clouds,

10. when I put limits on the seaand put its doors and bars in place,

11. when I said to the sea, ‘You may come this far, but no farther;this is where your proud waves must stop’?

12. “Have you ever ordered the morning to begin,or shown the dawn where its place was

13. in order to take hold of the earth by its edgesand shake evil people out of it?

14. At dawn the earth changes like clay being pressed by a seal;the hills and valleys stand out like folds in a coat.

15. Light is not given to evil people;their arm is raised to do harm, but it is broken.

16. “Have you ever gone to where the sea beginsor walked in the valleys under the sea?