New Century Version

Job 38:20-30 New Century Version (NCV)

20. Can you take them to their places?Do you know the way to their homes?

21. Surely you know, if you were already born when all this happened!Have you lived that many years?

22. “Have you ever gone into the storehouse of the snowor seen the storehouses for hail,

23. which I save for times of trouble,for days of war and battle?

24. Where is the place from which light comes?Where is the place from which the east winds blow over the earth?

25. Who cuts a waterway for the heavy rainsand sets a path for the thunderstorm?

26. Who waters the land where no one lives,the desert that has no one in it?

27. Who sends rain to satisfy the empty landso the grass begins to grow?

28. Does the rain have a father?Who is father to the drops of dew?

29. Who is the mother of the ice?Who gives birth to the frost from the sky

30. when the water becomes hard as stone,and even the surface of the ocean is frozen?