New Century Version

Jeremiah 50:10-16 New Century Version (NCV)

10. The enemy will take all the wealth from the Babylonians.Those enemy soldiers will get all they want,” says the Lord.

11. “Babylon, you are excited and happy,because you took my land.You dance around like a young cow in the grain.Your laughter is like the neighing of male horses.

12. Your mother will be very ashamed;the woman who gave birth to you will be disgraced.Soon Babylonia will be the least important of all the nations.She will be an empty, dry desert.

13. Because of the Lord’s anger,no one will live there.She will be completely empty.Everyone who passes by Babylon will be shocked.They will shake their heads when they see all her injuries.

14. “Take your positions for war against Babylon,all you soldiers with bows.Shoot your arrows at Babylon! Do not save any of them,because Babylon has sinned against the Lord.

15. Soldiers around Babylon, shout the war cry!Babylon has surrendered, her towers have fallen,and her walls have been torn down.The Lord is giving her people the punishment they deserve.You nations should give her what she deserves;do to her what she has done to others.

16. Don’t let the people from Babylon plant their cropsor gather the harvest.The soldiers treated their captives cruelly.Now, let everyone go back home.Let everyone run to his own country.