New Century Version

Jeremiah 14:3-12 New Century Version (NCV)

3. The important men send their servants to get water.They go to the wells,but they find no water.So they return with empty jars.They are ashamed and embarrassedand cover their heads in shame.

4. The ground is dry and cracked open,because no rain falls on the land.The farmers are upset and sad,so they cover their heads in shame.

5. Even the mother deer in the fieldleaves her newborn fawn to die,because there is no grass.

6. Wild donkeys stand on the bare hillsand sniff the wind like wild dogs.But their eyes go blind,because there is no food.”

7. We know that we suffer because of our sins.Lord, do something to help us for the good of your name.We have left you many times;we have sinned against you.

8. God, the Hope of Israel,you have saved Israel in times of trouble.Why are you like a stranger in the land,or like a traveler who only stays one night?

9. Why are you like someone who has been attacked by surprise,like a warrior who is not able to save anyone?But you are among us, Lord,and we are called by your nameso don’t leave us without help!

10. This is what the Lord says about the people of Judah:“They really love to wander from me;they don’t stop themselves from leaving me.So now the Lord will not accept them.He will now remember the evil they doand will punish them for their sins.”

11. Then the Lord said, “Don’t pray for good things to happen to the people of Judah.

12. Even if they fast, I will not listen to their prayers. Even if they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings to me, I will not accept them. Instead, I will destroy the people of Judah with war, hunger, and terrible diseases.”