New Century Version

Hosea 12:7-12 New Century Version (NCV)

7. The merchants use dishonest scales;they like to cheat people.

8. Israel said, “I am rich! I am someone with power!”All their money will do them no goodbecause of the sins they have done.

9. “But I am the Lord your God,who brought you out of Egypt.I will make you live in tents againas you used to do on worship days.

10. I spoke to the prophetsand gave them many visions;through them, I taught my lessons to you.”

11. The people of Gilead are evil,worth nothing.Though people sacrifice bulls at Gilgal,their altars will become like piles of stonein a plowed field.

12. Your ancestor Jacob fled to Northwest Mesopotamiawhere he worked to get a wife;he tended sheep to pay for her.