New Century Version

Genesis 9:4-15 New Century Version (NCV)

4. But you must not eat meat that still has blood in it, because blood gives life.

5. I will demand blood for life. I will demand the life of any animal that kills a person, and I will demand the life of anyone who takes another person’s life.

6. “Whoever kills a human beingwill be killed by a human being,because God made humansin his own image.

7. “As for you, Noah, I want you and your family to have many children, to grow in number on the earth, and to become many.”

8. Then God said to Noah and his sons,

9. “Now I am making my agreement with you and your people who will live after you,

10. and with every living thing that is with you—the birds, the tame and the wild animals, and with everything that came out of the boat with you—with every living thing on earth.

11. I make this agreement with you: I will never again destroy all living things by a flood. A flood will never again destroy the earth.”

12. And God said, “This is the sign of the agreement between me and you and every living creature that is with you.

13. I am putting my rainbow in the clouds as the sign of the agreement between me and the earth.

14. When I bring clouds over the earth and a rainbow appears in them,

15. I will remember my agreement between me and you and every living thing. Floods will never again destroy all life on the earth.