New Century Version

Genesis 31:38-48 New Century Version (NCV)

38. I have worked for you now for twenty years. During all that time none of the lambs and kids died during birth, and I have not eaten any of the male sheep from your flocks.

39. Any time an animal was killed by wild beasts, I did not bring it to you, but made up for the loss myself. You made me pay for any animal that was stolen during the day or night.

40. In the daytime the sun took away my strength, and at night I was cold and could not sleep.

41. I worked like a slave for you for twenty years—the first fourteen to get your two daughters and the last six to earn your flocks. During that time you changed my pay ten times.

42. But the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac, was with me. Otherwise, you would have sent me away with nothing. But he saw the trouble I had and the hard work I did, and last night he corrected you.”

43. Laban said to Jacob, “These girls are my daughters. Their children belong to me, and these flocks are mine. Everything you see here belongs to me, but I can do nothing to keep my daughters and their children.

44. Let us make an agreement, and let us set up a pile of stones to remind us of it.”

45. So Jacob took a large rock and set it up on its end.

46. He told his relatives to gather rocks, so they took the rocks and piled them up; then they ate beside the pile.

47. Laban named that place in his language A Pile to Remind Us, and Jacob gave the place the same name in Hebrew.

48. Laban said to Jacob, “This pile of rocks will remind us of the agreement between us.” That is why the place was called A Pile to Remind Us.