New Century Version

Ezekiel 48:18-34 New Century Version (NCV)

18. Along the long side of the holy area there will be left three miles on the east and three miles on the west. It will be used to grow food for the city workers.

19. The city workers from all the tribes of Israel will farm this land.

20. This whole area will be square, seven miles by seven miles. You shall give to the Lord the holy share along with the city property.

21. “Land that is left over on both sides of the holy area and city property will belong to the ruler. That land will extend east of the holy area to the eastern border and west of it to the Mediterranean Sea. Both of these areas run the length of the lands of the tribes, and they belong to the ruler. The holy area with the Holy Place of the Temple will be in the middle.

22. The Levites’ land and the city property will be in the middle of the lands belonging to the ruler. Those lands will be between Judah’s border and Benjamin’s border.

23. “Here is what the rest of the tribes will receive: Benjamin will have one share. It will go from the east side to the Mediterranean Sea on the west side.

24. “South of Benjamin’s land, Simeon will have one share. It will go from the east side to the west side.

25. “South of Simeon’s land, Issachar will have one share. It will go from the east side to the west side.

26. “South of Issachar’s land, Zebulun will have one share. It will go from the east side to the west side.

27. “South of Zebulun’s land, Gad will have one share. It will go from the east side to the west side.

28. “The southern border of Gad’s land will go east from Tamar on the Dead Sea to the waters of Meribah Kadesh. Then it will run along the brook of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea.

29. “This is the land you will divide among the tribes of Israel to be their shares,” says the Lord God.

30. “These will be the outside borders of the city: The north side will measure more than one mile.

31. There will be three gates facing north: Reuben’s Gate, Judah’s Gate, and Levi’s Gate, named for the tribes of Israel.

32. “The east side will measure more than one mile. There will be three gates facing east: Joseph’s Gate, Benjamin’s Gate, and Dan’s Gate.

33. “The south side will measure more than one mile. There will be three gates facing south: Simeon’s Gate, Issachar’s Gate, and Zebulun’s Gate.

34. “The west side will measure more than one mile. There will be three gates facing west: Gad’s Gate, Asher’s Gate, and Naphtali’s Gate.